Wyre Talks

Ep 31, DeFi the Odds: Growing an Open Financial System with Clay Robbins (0x), Brendan Forster (Dharma) and Calvin Liu (Compound)

Episode Summary

Brendan Forster is the cofounder and COO at Dharma, Clay Robbins is the Growth Lead at 0x, and Calvin Liu is the Strategy Lead at Compound. Today, they join us to define decentralized finance and discuss what success looks like in the space in terms of democratization of both access and creation. Brendan, Clay, and Calvin break down the key protocol classifications and offer insight around the creativity required to build traditional financial primitives within the constraints of the DeFi value system.

Episode Notes

Of the 7.5 billion people in the world, 40 million have used cryptocurrency. 2 million possess non-custodial service wallets, but only tens of thousands are engaged in using DeFi services, specifically. So, how do we get more people interested in decentralized finance? Will there be one principal entry point to the ecosystem or many? And how do we grow in a way that aligns with DeFi values and provides global accessibility?

Follow Thomas (host): https://twitter.com/tomscaria

Follow Brendan (Dharma): https://twitter.com/brendan_dharma

Follow Calvin (Compound): https://twitter.com/cjl49

Follow Clay (0x): https://twitter.com/crabbylions